Half Life Universe Timeline

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Half Life Universe Timeline Average ratng: 3,8/5 585 reviews

I have a theory that all the Valve games are actually in the same universe. I have facts to support it too! Here is how the timeline would go:The first game in the timeline is Day of Defeat and Day of Defeat Source. These games take place during World War II, so they would take place some time between 1939 and 1945.Next is Team Fortress Classic. The TF2 comic, 'A Cold Day in Hell' shows that Team Fortress Classic is canon, and takes place within the same universe as TF2. My guess is that TFC would take place 5 or 10 years before Team Fortress 2.

May 04, 2014  THEORY All the Valve games are in THE SAME UNIVERSE! Based off of the amount of deterioration to the Enrichment Center, and the expiration dates on the Longterm Relaxation Vault containers, Portal 2 would take place 20 or 30 years after Half Life 2, so it would be 2040 or 2050. Now comes the Left 4 Dead series. This is my attempt at creating the Half-Life universe timeline. I should mention that some of this timeline is formed out of speculation, so.

This would set it around 1940's or 50's.Next comes Team Fortress 2. Calenders in the game, and dates in media and comics, state that it takes place around 1960's or 1970's.The events in Portal, Half Life, Opposing Fource, and Blue Shift probablly take place around the same time. We know that the Black Mesa incident takes place within 5 years before or after Portal.

Portal takes place around 1999 or 2000, so the first Half Life games would be around late 1980s or early 2000's.Next comes Counter Strike games. These games obviously take place before the Combine Invasion, or before the Black Mesa Incident has any effect on the rest of the world. Based on technology and the locations this game should take place somewhere around 2000.Next comes Half Life 2 and it's episodes. Valve stated that Half Life 2 takes place 2 decades after the first Half Life, so that would set Half Life 2 around the 2020'sPortal 2 would take place after the Combine has been defeated from it's takeover of Earth, because in the ending of Portal 2, when you portal onto the moon and you can see Earth, the oceans are not drained of water, and there seems to be no Combine technology, thus implying that the Combine no longer have control over Earth.

Based off of the amount of deterioration to the Enrichment Center, and the expiration dates on the Longterm Relaxation Vault containers, Portal 2 would take place 20 or 30 years after Half Life 2, so it would be 2040 or 2050.Now comes the Left 4 Dead series. In the games, a zombie apocalypse has occured. There is no evidense of a 'zombie apoclypse' in the Portal or Half Life games, and the game could not take place before Portal, because of the time period. So this sets Left 4 Dead sometime during or possibly after Portal 2.After that is Alien Swarm. Valve offically said that this game takes place in December 2052.Finallly is Dota and Dota 2.

This one should take place EXTREMELY far into the future on Earth, or on some other planet.EXTRA STUFFS:At some point the Space Core crashes on the planet Skyrim takes place on. I'm not sure is this can be considered canon, but if it is all I know is that this event takes place some time after Portal 2.I hope you enjoyed my theory. I think it makes sense, but it really depends on the opinion. Thanks for reading! Wow, going way to deep bro, think simple. Connecting all valve games is just.

Birth of the universe timelineLife

It was shocking enough to find that portal and half life universe is connected and that made a lot of thinking, discussing and brain malfunction.Valve made Portal 2 story ( in my opinion) in a simple way, but as well made it hard to notice it. As well, it seemed it gaved us alot of answers to portal story, but it more looks like they gaved more questions.Plus, they WANTED to not connect these 2 games as much as possible, keeping it on a string rather than a rope. Giving some things that connects to hl universe (Borealis, Aperture itself), but not much that it would make some sort of impact to hl. Just gonna put this here if you haven't seen it: this is too significant to just be a reference (serious note that g-man is in there as well). Also, at the beginning of portal 2, the pre-recorded guy says 'We are currently experiencing technical difficulties due to circumstances of potentially apocalyptic significance beyond our control,' the key word here is apocalyptic as in zombie apocalypse. And the CS series is just going on somewhere else at a different time, not very important in the over all plot though.

Just no one get angry at me for my crappy punctuation grammar and probably how wrong I am.:/. Originally posted by:Just gonna put this here if you haven't seen it: this is too significant to just be a reference (serious note that g-man is in there as well). Also, at the beginning of portal 2, the pre-recorded guy says 'We are currently experiencing technical difficulties due to circumstances of potentially apocalyptic significance beyond our control,' the key word here is apocalyptic as in zombie apocalypse. And the CS series is just going on somewhere else at a different time, not very important in the over all plot though. Just no one get angry at me for my crappy punctuation grammar and probably how wrong I am.:/ That's refering to the Combine takeover.

Half Life Game Timeline

Ok, other thought:We know that L4D (i mean L4D & L4D2) is in another universe than Team Fortress. But Team Fortress is in the same univers like Portal (App-Sap), and Portal in the sam universe like HL (nothing to say). Let's count: TF-/Portal/HL-Universe + L4D-Universe = 2.But cave Johnson talked about other Multiverses, i counted 7. 7 + 2 = 9.But when the L4D universe is identic with one of the Multiverses Cave Johnson talked about (Probably the Multiverse with the Evil Cave Johnson). We have Just: L4D-Universe + TF-/Portal-/HL-Universe + 6 = 8.This means Valve made a minimum of 8 Different Universes. Valve Universe Explanation1700's American Revolution1800's Discover of Austrailia branch Austrialium discovered.

Monarchy in AustrailiaHL/Portal L4D TF: Mann Sons were born. Z Mann dies with sickness: RED & BLU foundedStart of the Gravel War. Mann Co grows stronger by RED & BLU. Conager family identied.1900's Spark of WWITF: TFClaslicWWII: Aperture Science Founded for Military Operations branch Soldier confirmed oldest.Cold War 50's: Aperture begins science, rivaling Black Mesa Cold War 60's: Start of Engineer's career. Beginning of TF2Cold War 70's: Gray Mann's Return: Currently on TF2 Black Mesa declines by testing accident.

HL1 BeginsCold War 80's Aperture begins GlaDos production: Portal 1 Begins90's Generation: HL2 Begins, destruction of City 17 TF3's Hat Wars?2000 & 2010: Green 4 Virus infects America: L4D Begins2020's or Higher: The Future: Portal 2 begins2030's: Unknown. Connecting Portal to Half Life is easy: It's shown and said in both Portal games that Aperture and Black Mesa are fierce business rivals, with Black Mesa stealing credit from Aperture and passing Aperture's inventions off as their own.Connecting Portal to TF is also easy: There is an item for the Spy in TF2 called the Ap-Sap, which replaces the default Sapper he already has. The Ap-Sap looks like Wheatley, a character from Portal 2.

Half Life Universe Timeline

Half Life Decay

The Ap-Sap also uses dialogue from Portal 2 as well as custom-voiced dialogue for TF2. The description for the Ap-Sap says that Mann Co. Made a business deal with a nice lady in an abandoned science facility for a whole bunch of Ap-Saps.

This 'lady' could be refering to Chell, the protagonist of Portal or GLaDOS. Also not directly referring to Portal is a Companion Cube Pin, a pin for all classes that looks like a Weighted Companion Cube coming out of an orange/blue portal.