Mechwarrior Online Civil War

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Mechwarrior Online Civil War Average ratng: 3,1/5 1324 reviews

The advancement of MechWarrior Online's timeline allows us the opportunity. While the release of the Civil War 'Mech packs coincide with the. Civil War Update Details! By Matt Newman in Announcements on, Mar 14, 2017 6:00 PM UTC 720 comments MechWarrior Online: Civil War Game Update Details!

Was considering to get the Mad Cat aswell. Clan Battlemech, apparently with amazing hardpoint locations? Unless they violently mess up the hitboxes and leg hits magicly register as back CT hits, this mech can't be bad.Actually got the Nightstar from the second Civil War wave. It's an IS assault, so there is somewhat more room for inherent flaws. But judging from it's stature and the hardpoint locations, this will likely handle similarly to the Marauder IIC, something that IS assaults are painfully lacking I feel.Plus this thing will probably be fun with the new ballistics. I'm especially looking forward to the variant with stock Dual UAC 20s.But yeah, I'm kind of afraid that the Mad Cat will dominate the game upon release. Will be the Kodiak situation all over again.And somewhere down the line they will nerf it's mobility, because you can't really do much to a mech with flawless hardpoint positioning.

Originally posted by:Not sure the Annihilator will do too well. Feels like they put a pretty harsh handycap on it by limiting the engine rating to 300 and dooming it to Dire Whale speed, or even slower.Firepower is nice, but speed is life, not only for lights.With Light Fusion Engines, IS mechs will be seeing their average speed increased I reckon, so 50 kph and slower could be even more of a problem than it already is.Can't be sure of course, we'll have to wait and see what happens. Yes, most of the time i play the direwolf because it was my favorite mech in mw2. The lack of mobility is a serious problem sometimes. Usually, if i make just one mistake in positioning, i might as well disconnect.if i try to get back to a better position, i get shot. If i try to stand and make the best from what i have, i get shot.

If i try to charge the enemy team, i get shot. Normally, in such a situation, i try to just run straight into the enemy with all weapons firing to distract them at least a little bit, then i put a uav up when i get close to death and hopefully this allows my team to get into good positions. I am hoping to get the Artic Wolf pack ordered by the end of the month as it is a Clan Wolf in Exile mech.Really want to get the Mad Cat II, Nova Cat and Nightstar but can't afford much at the moment and not being Wolf (Clan Wolf/Wolf in Exile/Wolf's Dragoon) or DCMS designed mechs they take a back burner to the Arctic Wolf for my collection.Technically even tho the Mad Cat II is a clan tech and designed mech they were mostly sold to and used by the IS so it should be usable by the IS in faction play. But we know PGI will keep it as a Clan only mech. I just picked up a Mad Cat MkII. No early adopter pack for me, but oh well. Gonna grab the Nightstar as well.I want to get the Uziel, but since I mised the early adopter pack I'm not sure I wanna grab two mechs from that group.

However, It's just around the corner that I would be able to use them, rather than at the end of the year.My intention was to spend $60, normally I would scoff at these prices but I'm somewhat of an old mechwarrior fan boy. I probably shouldn't of started playing this game, but It was time to move on from MW4.I considered getting the Novacat, but seeing that I would have to pay another $15 to get the variant that can carry ballistics, I'm not sure I'll proceed.If any of you already had, or have, the Mad Cat, and the Nightstar.

Mechwarrior online civil war game

And had an extra $20 to spend, what would you do? I actually also got the Nightstar Reinforcements pack. Since I'm kinda already gushing all over the RAC 5s, that variant with 4 ballistic hardspoints split all over the mech sounded really good. And I think the other one has ECM (if I'm not mistaken), which should be a nice missile shield for the probably rather slow weapons platform that is the Nightstar.Gotta admit, MWO is the first Mechwarrior / Battletech game I've ever even heard about, so no fanboying for me.

However since I really like the setting, the Tech and the Mech Models, every now and then a new mechs concept art in the preorder announcement makes me fall in love with it. That was pretty much the case with the Nightstar.

Really like the design of that one.Otherwise I wouldn't preorder any of these packs, especially since they flatout cut 30 days of premium time from all of these packs without in any way adjusting the prices. Really don't want to support that notion.although I kinda did. But since you're probably trying to see which add-on would give you more bang for your buck, here's my opinion.Mad-Cat:Judging by the hardpoints of the Mad Cat reinforcements, the A-Variant doesn't really do much different. Almost has the same hardpoints as the 4-Variant, only trading 2 missile hardpoints for one more energy and one shoulder mounted ballistic. It also has the CT ballistic slot, but dunno what you would put in there. Think UAC 5s are 3 slots, so it's either a UAC 2 or a machine gun. Both kinda sounds underwhelming to me.The B-Variant in the reinforcements would be the only MCII able to boat ballistics.

Other than that, the CT missile hardpoint may be nice for some extra SRMs. Don't know if you could fit ATMs in there.The hero seems to do pretty much the same as the basic pack, just with 2 more energy hardpoints. Don't know if that would make much of a difference with the new heavy lasers.Nightstar:As I said before, the 9P in the reinforcements would allow for 4 RAC 5s, which could make it one of probably only a few mechs who could do that. The 10P would basically be a King Crab with ECM.I think the Nightstar will pretty much be a one-trick-pony, boating big ballistics. The reinforcements would just kinda do the jump from few, heavy ballistics (basic pack) to more, smaller ballistics.The only odd one out would be the hero, which could end up as some sort of energy Scorch. 2 - 4 Snubnose PPCs and MRMs for days.

Could be fun, but I still didn't pick him up. Not really a huge fan of getting a single mech for 15$.I might miss something here, but that's how I see it. Would probably be coming down to your personal preference, what kind of loadouts you like taking into the battle. And if you can cope with the slower IS assaults.

This patch was intense. All sorts of new weapons, new equipment, and new mechs hit us hard, and it's a bit of a process to digest it all. Personally, I'm a fan of the changes overall (though ghost heat on gauss rifles is silly), and I think it's injected a good deal of novelty and fun into the game.This piece is going to be focused on the new mechs - of course, this does kind of require some discussion of tech, but we're gonna keep that to a minimum. Since this is a full mech pack of 4 chassis that I'm going to be reviewing, we might not be going in depth on each and every variant, but I want to hit the main notes for each of the mechs.The CougarATMs, baby!ATMs are not some incredible broken OP-pls-nerf weapon, but they're pretty good if you play it right. And for some reason, the Cougar has given me some of the best results with ATMs; this build being the chief performer. As long as you can stay between 120 and 310 meters of your target, you're gonna be rocking 81 damage alphas, and even out to around 600 (though I don't know the exact number) you're still doing 54 points, which is more than a light, or even a medium, should be able to.The downside (aside from the 120m min range) is that you need that reinforcement pack or the Hero in order to build it out.

And idk how many people want to actually spend more than the base amount on the Cougar.Hero DakkaAny true medium mech would be able to run 3 UAC/5s instead of 2, but this is alright I guess. The DPS isn't nuts, but if you can keep it up for a while you'll be good.

The high mounts also make it great for just peaking over cover a bit, and it can trade pretty effectively.On the other hand, firing your weapons literally blinds you for a fraction of a second, and you need the Hero omnipods to make it work. So, not for everyone.Base Pack Laser VomitThis one I built out specifically to accomodate people who only want to buy the base pack, because damn I think every other build uses either the Reinforcement or Hero omnipods. It still works pretty good as a laser sniper/vomit-er, but it's not one of the builds I'd focus on.Base Pack BrawlerThis is the last build that I want to highlight, just because I was shocked by how not-terrible it is. You can lean pretty heavily on the UAC/20, and honestly it's worth considering dropping or downgrading the SRMs just to add more ammo, but when you put it all together it's a massive punch.Survivability is a massive issue though, and you'll die fast if you get noticed.Overall ThoughtsExpectations were low. Real, real low. But I actually ended up really enjoying my time with this mech. It's not great, or even good, but it's far from the travesty I was looking forward to.The obvious problem with the Cougar is that, while it has the armor and profile of a light, it has the speed of a heavy and the pod space of a skinny medium.

It's not a great combination in theory, and it turns out it's not great in practice either! But I'm glad there were at least a few builds that I could have some fun with.4/10: Not enough armor.The UzielUZL-2S (Heavy PPCs)I gotta say, I think the Uziel (and this variant in particular) might be the best mech to run 2 Heavy PPCs on, and I'm a big fan of that build in general. You're basically running double gauss on a 50 tonner.

Sure, it's hot and has a minimum range, but the lack of a need to charge and a lower cooldown balance that out for the most part.An alternative to this build shows up on the, which certainly resolves problems that the UZL-2S had around low mounts, not enough JJs, and survivability, but the loss of velocity and heat dissipation kills it for me.UZL-2S (Dakka)The UZL-2S having two go-to builds (I originally was going to say great, but that'd just be false) makes it the best variant in my opinion. But I don't think that 2 UAC/5s is quite enough firepower when it doesn't have good cooldown or jam chance quirks. That being said, the high mounts are fantastic.UZL-3S (Gauss Vomit)This isn't a stand-out build, but it's real solid. You can lean on the Gauss for a while (might even want to swap out a JJ for a half ton of ammo), and the ER Med is one of the top new weapons in my book. I feel like one or two extra energy hardpoints could have pushed this into being really good, but hey.

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What're ya gonna do.Belial (MRMs)I've always been a fan of SRM poptarting, and MRM poptarting has caught my fancy in the Civil War era. The Belial does a decent enough job of it, but it's gotta be said, it doesn't stand up to the SHD-2K's 3x MRM/20 poptarting build.UZL-6P (Med Pulse)Again, not the best mech for the job, but it's a great job for this mech.

And as someone who generally hates cooldown quirks on energy builds, I loved them here. I was able to shut down enemy mechs hard with repeated pokes and get pretty crazy DPS.deserves a shout out too, but that one deserves to be on the.UZL-3P (MechAssault Belial)This is a bad build, but it's the closest I could get to something like what the Belial from the original MechAssault might look like in MWO. And I kinda think it stands as a proof of concept for why the Belial in MWO could have paid homage to the original Belial in more than name. But I think I might be the only one bothered by this.If you want to go full-on OG Belial, btw,.

Disclaimer: These builds may be presented by GMan129, but they are in no way endorsed by him.Overall ThoughtsMan, I loved the Uziel ever since I laid eyes on it in MW4. I think it ends up being in a similar place to the Bushwacker - it's good enough, and its nostalgia factor is high enough to warrant a buy for the right person, but there's no risk of OP-ness.Still, there are a lot of things I like about the mech in MWO, even though it's not super fantastic.

The high mounts make it very usable - not just the high side torso mounts, but the arms stick out at a pretty high level, around where the cockpit is. That sort of thing is great for QoL, even if the cockpit itself is a bit low.6/10: IS 50-tonners have a tough life.The Mad Cat MK IIDeathstrike (Gauss Vomit)This variant, regardless of build, has gotten the most attention of all them. For good reason. It's the best variant, and we all knew it would be, and it's possibly one of the best variants in the game in general - it's not a pre-order KDK-3 situation, but it's still stronger than almost all other Assault mechs. This stings balance enough in my opinion, but then there's the added hurt of it being a Hero, and I'm just generally sad about it.Other builds generally use some sort of heavy laser, be it or, and there's multiple variations of each of those builds. Either way, I found ER Meds to be more reliable and more up my alley.MCII-B (Dakka)I was excited for this build, since it's basically a KDK-3 with a jumpjet and arm mounts.

Mechwarrior Online Civil War Videos

But more importantly, because it's on the Mad Cat MK II. It still does work pretty well, but the mounts aren't super high and the damage is a bit lame, which really does hold it back. Still, it's worth a mention, and it's worth a play for sure.MCII-2 (Brawler)It's like a Scorch with a jumpjet. It is strong enough in its role to be worrisome, but its speed makes me almost completely unconcerned about it being P2W (just like with the Scorch). Its lack of defensive quirks also means that its effectiveness as a brawler is limited, but man, if you can get in there, you can tear it up.MCII-1 (Budget Deathstrike)It's simply not as good as the Deathstrike, but it's still a serviceable Gauss Vomit mech, and most importantly, it's in the base pack! So if you love the Mad Cat MK II (one of my all-time favorite mechs, if not #1) but don't want to drop the coinage on the Hero or reinforcement packs, you can still run a full-on meta build! Even if it's sub-optimal.Overall ThoughtsAs I mentioned, I love the Mad Cat MK II.

It contends with mechs like the Highlander and Nova Cat for all-time favorite battlemech. In many ways, I'm pleased with its implementation into MWO - it's certainly strong enough and I love its look (my only aesthetic complaints go back to its missile pods - I don't think they look right regardless of the weapon you put in there, and the pegs left behind when you don't equip missiles look bad to me).My complaints about the mech being too strong all go back to the pre-order system.

I know that I'm just a broken record on this one, but I hate the pre-order model because it makes it so that new strongest mechs can't be released without being P2W. I don't think the Mad Cat MK II is strong enough to be P2W, but it still makes me uncomfortable, and it's entirely possible that it's stronger than I give it credit for.Also, broken jumpjet animation. Thought we were over that.9/10: Jumpjets should get you way higher.The AnnihilatorANH-2A (Dakka)This is probably the most typical Annihilator build, and it's certainly special as it is the first IS mech capable of 5 UAC/5s, which is quite a powerful build.

Despite having one less UAC/5, I even think it's up there with the 6 UAC/5 Dire Wolf, due to the IS UAC/5 using only a single projectile and some crazy armor quirks on top of that. Not that either are at the top of the charts, but still, it's impressive to me.You can also run this build with to replace 3 of the UAC/5s, both options are great. I was disappointed to discover that the ANH-1A's AC/10 cooldown quirk doesn't seem to apply to UAC/10s, so either variant is equally good at the build.Another great variation on the build relies on, which I'm not as huge a fan of, but is certainly an intriguing option, and uses this.ANH-1A (AC/10 PPFLD)It took me a while to stumble onto this build (it wasn't until I realized that the AC/10 quirk didn't apply to UAC/10s that I started considering normie AC/10 builds), but I really dig it. The SNPPC can be swapped out if you can work out a good alternative, but man I love the 30-damage hit on a sub-2 second cooldown.

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15 reliable DPS before you even add the next weapon.ANH-1X (Quad LB 10-X)Sure, you could do some shenanigans on this variant, but you'll probably only get to hit one or two mechs with that before the round ends. This isn't incredible, but the DPS is surprisingly good and you're tanky enough to keep dishing out damage for as long as you feel you have to. The lack of speed is felt even more on an LBX build, unfortunately.ANH-1E (Energy Boat)I don't think the Annihilator is a great platform to boat energy due to its low engine cap (limited internal heatsinks for one), but this.this is a good build. I don't completely understand why, but it felt better than most other builds, and its heat rating on Smurfy's is deceptive - it absolutely is hot, but not prohibitively so.Overall ThoughtsThis mech is as slow and sluggish as a Dire Wolf. In fact, the only differences between the two in terms of their agility is that the Annihilator has a bit less torso pitch (and the Dire Wolf isn't exactly known for its pitch) and a good deal more torso twist (which you really, really feel).

But to offset the slowness, it not only has the greatest firepower potential of any IS mech, it also has some pretty incredible defensive quirks.In general, I think the main factor that limits this mech is its engine cap, but man it's a huge limitation. It could be OP as hell, but the engine cap really keeps it in check.One thing I really love about the Annihilator in the context of this pack is that the Hero is interesting but not the best (or even one of the best), and the base pack has some very useful variants in it.7/10: Needs a fifth Gauss Rifle.The Pack ItselfJust for a few general thoughts about the pack.personally, I prefer the mech-a-month.

Not in terms of my enjoyment of the game, but man, it makes these reviews way easier and lets me get more in depth. I lost progress in this review alone twice from the annoying forgetting-to-save bug that my brain has, and part of that is due to the amount of material covered. And there's the excuse I'm using for why it took so long!Not that this stuff matters to the average consumer. I think overall, this is a nice group of mechs - even the Cougar, which I expected to be the disappointment, isn't completely horrible. In terms of balance, I don't think this pack causes a huge issue, with the Deathstrike being the only cause of concern I can see. So, I'm relatively content.GMan129 is an officer of the competitive team, he is the owner of and writer for, and he does some writing for NGNG as well. He has been playing MechWarrior Online since the early days of closed beta, and has spent far too much time and money on this crap.

If you're interested in supporting his self-destruction, consider checking out his!