Warcraft Iii Cinematics Black Screen

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Warcraft 3 - Black screen. I am having difficulty trying to run Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. When I run FrozenThrone.exe the splash screen shows up and then my resolution switches to 800x600 and then the screen turns black with the windows taskbar. I have downloaded the patch (1.23 full) from blizzard and I have tried the following with no. So I'm having the apparently common problem of cinematics playing audio over a black screen in Warcraft III Reign of Chaos. I am running Windows 7 x64 and can provide my MSInfo.txt and DxDiag.txt if needed.

Tip #1A good way to start of a cinematic is to add this function to the Intilization Trigger. Cinematic - Fade out over 0.00 seconds using texture Black Mask and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparencyThis will make it so that the screen is black when you start the cinematic.

Then in the first scene wait a few seconds and then fade back in over 2 seconds into the first camera.Black Borders are also a very useful thing in cinematics. Adding Black Borders is very simple. Just go to Advanced - Game Interface and check the box 'Use Custom Game Interface'.

Then scroll down and find these three fields:Image - Cinematic BorderImage - Console BackgroundImage - Game Menu BackgroundNow replace the path of these fields with UIWidgetsEscMenuHumanblank-background.blp. Your cinematic should now have black borders.Now we might want to turn cinematic mode off. Thats simple. Just use this trigger.

Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players). CamerasCameras are used in Warcraft III Cinematics to change what the viewer is looking at in the cinematic. Placing Cameras is very simple, go to the Camera Pallete and click the Create Camera button. Now we have a camera placed in our map, although it has the normel game view.

Well lets change that now. You can select the camera and press enter. Now you can change all the different Camera Values.First start off by editing the Target X and Y fields. These fields will change where the camera is on the map. However there is a much easier way to change the X and Y axis. Go back into the map and hold down the mouse button on the camera, you can now drag the cameras around the map.

Warcraft Iii Cinematics Black Screen Download

Another way you can do this is to select the camera and press Ctrl+X, and paste the map where you want it or just create the camera in the place you want it in the first place, because when you create a camera it is created in the centre of your view. Ok now that we've got it placed in the right location on our map we can edit the Z Offset. This is the height of the camera. You can make the camera high up or make it really low. The next field is rotation, well this one is pretty simple.

This field changes which way the Camera is facing. The Angle of Attack (AoA) changes the angle of the camera, so you could change it so the camera is looking down on something or the camera is looking up at something. The Distance changes how much the camera is zoomed in. The lower the value you will be closer to the object, the higher the further away.

Now for the Roll. The Roll changes the angle of which the camera is turned, so for example you could change the roll of a camera so that it is on its side, upside, on a 45 degree angle or any angle you want. The Field of View (FoV) changes how much the camera can see. The lower the number the the less you will be able to see of an object, the higher the more you will be able to see. And the final field you need to edit is the Far Clipping (FarZ), this field changes how far the camera can see. Tip #2When editing Camera Values check the 'Preview Values in Main Window'. This will now make it so that if you edit a value it will move the camera in the World Editor so you can see what it will look like.Well now you know how to edit a cameras fields, i'll tell you and easier way to do all these.

The way I place cameras is rather then editing each of these fields is when I create a camera I hold down the Ctrl button. This then lets you change the camera in the World Editor.

When holding down the Ctrl button just hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse around until you have the camera angle you want. You can also use the Mouse Wheel to change the zoom of the camera when doing this. Now you have the camera angle and zoom you want just click the Create Camera button, and the camera will be created at whatever angle you are at that time in the World Editor. Try that now.Now that we've placed a few cameras we need to use a trigger to use them during the game. This function can be used to use cameras.

Camera - Apply Camera for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 secondsWell now we have a function that will apply that camera when the trigger is run. However the camera won't move like that.

So we just add another function to that trigger after it. Camera - Apply 2nd Camera for Player 1 (Red) over 5.00 secondsThis time we set it to it will apply over 5 seconds, so this means as soon as this trigger is run it will apply the 1st camera instantly, and then from there move to the 2nd camera over 5 seconds.

Now we want to try and add another camera to that, so it will move to a 3rd camera after it reachs the 2nd one, well we just add these two functions to the trigger. Wait 5.00 seconds.

Camera - Apply 3rd Camera for Player 1 (Red) over 5.00 secondsThe Camera will now apply the 1st camera instantly, move to the 2nd camera over 5 seconds and when it has gotten to the 2nd camera it will move to the 3rd camera again over 5 seconds. So by now this is the trigger you should have. Action. Camera - Apply Camera for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds. Camera - Apply 2nd Camera for Player 1 (Red) over 5.00 seconds.

Warcraft Iii Cinematics Black Screen Tv

Wait 5.00 seconds. Camera - Apply 3rd Camera for Player 1 (Red) over 5.00 seconds.

Unit TransmissionsUnit Transmissions are used for when characters are talking to eachother, narrators and basicly anything that involves talking. This is the basic function to do that. Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from (Footman) named A Footman: Play No sound and display This is a Message. Modify duration: Set to 5.00 seconds and Don't waitThis function will show the message 'This is a Message', from a Footman which is named 'A Footman'. There will be no sound played with the transmission and it will show for 5 seconds. You can set these fields to whatever you want, and adda sound to it and show it for a different time if you want.

Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from a Player 1 (Red) Footman named A Footman at (Center of (Playable map area)): Play No sound and display A Message! Modify duration: Set to 5.00 seconds and Don't waitThis trigger does the same thing, except for one difference.

Using the above trigger, a green circle will flash around the unit that you have selected, useing this trigger you can do that same thing except that green circle won't appear. Fade FiltersFade Filters are used to Fade the screen in and out using an image. Blizzard has included several images which are already included in Warcraft III.

This includes the basic ones you will probably use most often, especialy the Black Image, which is definatly the most used one. This is the trigger for fade filters. Cinematic - Fade in or out and Image in over 2.00 seconds using texture White Mask and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparencyHere are a few things to remember with fade filters though:. It is important to Make sure the colour is set so all fields are 100%, not the default 0%. However this is not important when you are fading to black, because 0% will make it black, 100% will make it black.

However it is important to do this with any image apart from the black image. The Transperancy should probably be left, although it can be useful. Setting it to 100% will make the image completly transperant, which is basicly useless. However setting it to say 20% or 50% will let you still see the image, although you will be able to just see the map in the background. Things to Remember while Terraining Cinematics. Make sure that you can't see past the end of the terrain, otherwise it looks like there is nothing behind thet terrain.

Do this by changing the FarZ or the Camera Position. Make sure that none of the trees are placed where the camera could go through it, because it can look really bad if a moving camera goes through a tree. Although you don't have to make the map completly playable it is important to make sure that any units moving don't go through any rocks or anything solid which they shouldn't be able to go through. If you need to hide a doodad for one scene, but if in another scene in the same area you want that doodad to show you can use a unit for that doodad.

Although you can hide and unhide destrucotables units can be placed alot easier then Destrucotables. Enviroment and AtmosphereIt is important to have Enviroment settings which suit the setting and scene. Make sure at the end of each scene you change the settings, if nessecary. Environment - Set sky to SkyThis trigger will change the sky. So you can change the sky each scene to what suits the setting the most. You can do the same thing except for with fog with this trigger.

Environment - Set fog to style Linear, z-start 1000.00, z-end 8000.00, density 0.00 and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%)You can also create and destroy weather and change the time of day. This is very usful for using the same terrain except at a different time of day. Creating and destroying weather uses these two triggers.

Environment - Create at (Region) the weather effect Weather. Environment - Turn (Last created weather effect) On. Environment - Remove (Weather Effect)However changing the time of day is not in the Enviroment catergory of the World Editor.

Go to the Game catergory and use this trigger to change the time of day. Game - Set the time of day to 12.00You can also use this trigger to stop the cycle so it won't change suddenly half way through your cinematic when you don't want it to. Game - Turn the day/night cycle Off.

1 vs 1 Battle CinematicThe Demo Cinematic I have attached to this Tutorial is a very basic 1 vs 1 battle that I made in about 5 minutes. A 1 vs 1 Battle can be made very simple with a few Animation and Movement triggers. Like these triggers.

Animation - Play Blademaster 0001 's attack slam animation. Unit - Order Paladin 0000 to Move To (Center of Paladin Step Aside )However to make it much better alot of special effects and sounds should be used.

Special Effect - Create a special effect at (Center of (Playable map area)) using AbilitiesSpellsHumanThunderClapThunderClapCaster.mdl. Sound - Play MetalHeavyChopFlesh1 Basicly all you need to make a decent battle between two units is to be able to use these 4 things well and make them fit together. AnimationAnimations are an important part of cinematics. You can use Animations to show a battle, with two or more people using their attack animation, or an animation to show how there feeling.

This is the basic function to play an animation. Action. Animation - Play (Last created unit)'s stand animationUsing this trigger you can place any of the animations the unit has. You can do a number of things with animations, such as changing the flying height of a unit.If you have told a unit to do an animation you can reset the units animation with this trigger. Action. Animation - Reset (Units)'s animationYou can also que an animation so once the unit has finished doing something it will play that animation. Action.

Animation - Queue (Units)'s stand animation. Tip #6Remember that a sound can not be played on Map Intilization, if you want a sound to play when the map first opens use this event. Time - Elapsed game time is 0.00 secondsNow if you want to play the music, not a sound you can use this function. Sound - Play (Music)Now this is just me personaly, but I use the Play Sound function to play both my sounds and my music, and never use the Play Music function during cinematics. However either one works fine.

Also remember to make sure that when starting a new peice of music you have stopped the old music like this if you are using the Play Music function. Action. Sound - Clear the music list.

Sound - Stop music ImmediatelyOr this trigger if you are using the Play Sound function. Sound - Stop dungeon05 After fading. LeaksIf there are to many leaks in your cinematic, which can quite easily happen, especialy in battle cinematics your cinematic will lag, alot. This is because some of the triggers in your cinematic are leaking.

This can usualy be easily fixed. Here are some examples of some leaks. Unit - Order Variable to Move To (Centre of Region The fix for this would be this.

Set L = (Center of Region. Unit - Order Variable to Move To L. Custom Script: call RemoveLocation(udgL)Heres another Leak you could have. Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Region ) and do (Actions)This would be the fix for this leak. Custom Script: set bjwantDestroyGroup = true. Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Region ) and do (Actions)To find all the leaks you have in your map you can use tool. CreditsI will explain here a nice way to create credits.

Simply, you somehow make it so that the entire screen is black (other then a fade filter), so that the player can see Floating Text. This will make it so that Floating will be created, and then you will be able to see it move up and off the top of the screen. You just have to make sure that the Camera the viewer will be viewing through is placed correctly. Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Message at (Center of Region ) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 35.00, color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency. Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 64.00 towards 90.00 degrees. Wait 1.00 game-time seconds.

So I was recently helped by a game master to fix this issue and I thought I should share this since I couldnt find any other threads resolving the problem. 'Greetings insert name, Thanks for contacting us.

This is a codec-related issue. The Warcraft 3 cinematics are encoded in DivX and the game will use its own codec to play them, but said codec appears to cause incompatibilities with modern OS If you want to have the cinematics display correctly in the game, you need to follow all of these steps, else you may end up with the video playing but with washed out colours, and while that may be an improvement, I'm sure you'll agree it's far from ideal. Download and install the LAV Filters (This will allow applications on your computer to play various audio and video formats—this applies mostly for media players but also works for older games that may have trouble displaying videos, including Warcraft 3. Installing them may potentially benefit you beyond playing the Warcraft 3 cinematics. The easy and recommended way is to download the installer, as it will automatically install both the 32 and 64-bit versions of the filters.

The other download options will require you to manually register the filters so only pick that one if you know what you are doing, and remember that Warcraft 3 is a 32-bit application so the x64 version of the filters won't help at all. The default settings are fine; you can visit the configuration options and change things if desired but it isn't necessary in most cases. Next we need to disable the Blizzard codec. To do that, open a Run window (press the Windows key + R) and enter this: regsvr32 /u 'C:Program Files (x86)Warcraft IIIblizzard.ax' We'll be around to help whenever you need us.


Game Master Krakorakis Blizzard Entertainment Support - Europe' The one thing that didnt work for me was the Run window so instead i opened a CMD window by searching for CMD then rightclicking and Run as administrator regsvr32 /u 'C:Program Files (x86)Warcraft IIIblizzard.ax' there instead and it fixed the issue for me. Hope this helped and many thanks to game master Krakorakis for resolving my issue and hopefully yours. @Tiogaradh and @Gavelpounder XP 3 comparability did work for me to.

Before i tested i uninstall both C:WINDOWSsystem32regsvr32 /u 'C:Battle.netGamesWarcraft III Public Testblizzard.ax' and C:WINDOWSsystem32regsvr32 /u 'C:Battle.netGamesWarcraft IIIblizzard.ax' It did not solve the problem. Tested XP3 compatibility and then did wc3 classic work. Disabled comparability and video do still work. Now even in PTR.

I will post this in the PTR to. I can't be the only one having this problem on windows 10. FYI I have also installed open codec setup before trying this. 32bit and 64bit. Did not help me before trying the XP3 comparability. Even with this 'fix' the video cuts in and out.

The Blizzard splash screen doesn't play at all in the beginning of the cinematics. WTF blizzard.

Come out with a patch to truly address the issue and also, add this game to the modern launcher. People are still playing this game, buying it, and TRYING to enjoy it. The cinematic movie scenes are the reward for beating a map, and a lackluster fix isn't going to cut it. The players want an actual fix. (At this date this shouldn't be a problem by now.).