Power Query Excel 2007 Download

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Your question is rather vague, my best guess is you want to go to Edit Queries and delete those that are using a specific Excel data source. Otherwise please elaborate on your requirements. Specializing in Power Query Formula Language (M).

  1. Power Query, provided as part of the Microsoft Power BI self-service solution, is an Excel add-in that can be used for data discovery, reshaping the data and combining data coming from different sources. Read on to learn how to install and get started using it.
  2. In power query, all you have do is to create the connection for tables and merge the queries. And the best part is, once you add new data to the quantity list new table will get updated instantly. I hope you have found this power query tip useful, but now, tell me one thing. Which looks better to you? Power Query or VLOOKUP?

When I’ve finished building a solution in Excel, I like to give it a little polish, and really make it easy for my users to update it. The last thing I want to do is to send them right clicking and refreshing everywhere, so I program a button to refresh Power Query with VBA.The interesting part about the above statement is that Power Query doesn’t have any VBA object model, so what kind of black magic trick do we need to leverage to pull that off?

Power Query Excel 2007 Download For Pc Free

As it turns out, it’s very simple almost too simple in fact. A Simple QueryLet’s just grab from my post on. Once we’ve done that:.

Click in the blue table. Go to Power Query – From Table. Let’s sort Animal ascending (just so we know something happened). Next save and Exit the queryAt this point, we should get a new “Sheet2” worksheet, with our table on it:The Required VBA CodeNext, we need to build our VBA for refreshing the table. Rather than record and tweak a macro, I’m just going to give you the code that will update all Query Tables in the entire workbook in one shot. But to use it, you need to know the secret handshake:.

Press Alt + F11This will open the Visual Basic editor for you. Great code KenI have several power queries that I will execute usingthis approach. However, I need a mechanism whereby I can lock out the user from interrupting the queries as they are running. When each one refreshes a message in the status bar indicates so but also 'invites' the user to 'ESC to cancel'Normally I would use Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled to prevent users breaking into code but this doesn't seem to work hereI want to able to indicate to user that queries are refreshing but also stop them from cancelling as it sends them straight into this underlying code. Hi KenI've built quite a large data model which loads up around 40 data files, each transformed using PowerQuery then loaded into data model. If I had to manipulate all of these files by VBA I'd be at it for months.

PQ has made a mountainous task possibleThe thing that concerns me is that should any of the data files change in anyway then the respective workbook query will fail. This will be seen by looking in the PQ window. Some data files come from external clients so there is every chance one day some bright spark will decide to add a column. As the PQ is tightly bound to the data source it will just failI have a range of data files and I would like to loop through triggering a refresh on each of them, one by one. I'd like to be able to post a message with success/failure to alert the user that a query has failed due a problem with one of the data filesThere doesn't appear to be a way of triggering an indivual query refresh then have VBA wait for it to complete before proceeding to the next oneI can trigger a mass refresh but then you would have to look in the PQ window to check that all of have successfully executedCheersAnthony. Anthony, if you're going to pull directly into the model with Power Query, and you're at all concerned about the stability of the data, I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at Chris Webb's blog on dealing with data source errors:I'd be implementing this right away. Next thing you could do is create a simple measure to COUNTROWS on each table in the Data model, and return them to a cube formula or pivot.

This would give you a good indicator if something went wrong. (1 record = bad, more than one = good). I used Power Query to pull data from another excel file, transform it and then use the data to build a Dashboard.I need to send this dashboard out to 10 leads of 10 different business units with each having just their data every week. Their file should NOT have any other data present at all in the file.I'd like to be able to create the 10 different versions and maybe even send the mail out to them on 1 click. I can probably do that by filtering out the data in the table through VBA and refresh the pivots I have in the dashboard.Is there a way though using VBA, to tell power query to refresh data for a particular business unit? I am trying to achieve auto-scheduled update, by using Task Scheduler and another Workbook with macros.And the problem is - macros alone in the workbook with connections works fine, when I try to run this macros from another workbook by using Application Run and then check works it says 'Download did not complete' for each of the query, despite computer was loaded in full, as when I update all manually or with macros in right workbook. Hi everyone!First of all, thanks Ken for your article.

Unfortunately, not that I'm aware of, no. The thing is that in Excel 2013 we're not actually refreshing Power Query. We're actually refreshing the Excel connection, which happens to kick off Power Query. Being that Power Query is an addin, there is no flag that gets pushed back to Excel to say 'I'm done'.My feeling is that the only method we have to attempt to insert control here is to possibly flip the setting on the connection to turn off background refresh. My hypothesis here is that it SHOULD prevent Excel from moving on before refreshing the subsequent connections, but I could be wrong there. I haven't had time to fool around with it and come up with a reliable solution, unfortunately. @Alex I've run into the same issue and implemented the solution you provided but still receive the same results (i.e.

'Download did not complete.' My code is below; do you see any issues?For Each cn In TDR.ConnectionsIf Left(cn, 13) = 'Power Query -' Then cn.EnableRefresh = Truecn.RefreshApplication.CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDoneNext cnApplication.CalculateFullRebuildApplication.CalculateUntilAsyncQueriesDone'Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueFor Each cn In TDR.ConnectionsIf Left(cn, 13) = 'Power Query -' Then cn.EnableRefresh = FalseNext cn.

Hi Leonid,To be honest, after learning a bit more about this approach I think I'd actually just automate the Data - Refresh All process wherever possible. At that point the query sequencing will take care of itself, and you'll also find that it performs better, especially if you have a larger number of queries.

(We have discovered that the data model gets cached after each refresh operation, so if you run the macro above it would refresh and cache 7 times vs doing the cache only once with the data - refresh all approach.). Just troubleshooted the issue and believe I figured out the cause.I had created a file in which I used Power Query in Excel 2010. I then opened this file in Excel 2013. For whatever reason this permanently changes the existing connection's string from uppercase to lowercase 'provider'I edited your VBA code (removing 'provider' altogether) to make sure I never face this issue again:InStr(1, cn.OLEDBConnection.Connection, 'Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1')Do you foresee any issues with me doing this? I have text file with 2 million data I need to import to excel by power query. Before doing this there are 5 columns which 2 columns are dependent.

How can I import only 5 columns and get distinct values from that columns. The table has duplicate rows. And there is no unique row to identify. Then user will be given drop down list. The list will be populated by unique rows from those 5 columns and user can select the values from the list and extract the data. Note: those 5 columns will be there in the text file.

Hi Ken,Thank you for this article. It had been working refreshing the data. However, today it won't refresh at all. My process is I run the refresh, copy the result into another worksheet, and hide that worksheet.

I made this dynamic date range. So if I enter a new date range and hit refresh, it should pull in new data. The date range with the refresh button is in another worksheet. When the refresh button is pressed, it will unhide the worksheet that has is used for the Power Query.Now, it won't refresh anymore when I hit the refresh button. I used the code that you provided. I just don't know what I did wrong or what happened.I am wondering if you know if I changed something within the spreadsheet without me knowing it? I updated to the new Power Query add-in.Thank you!

Power Query Excel 2007 Download

I used your macro and it works. However, I'm trying to have the macro auto execute before closing the file. In other words, when the user saves the file and then clicks to close the file, before it actually close I want the macro to execute and save the file without any more intervention from the user.

Come to think of it, it might be better if the macro execute on saving and not on close.Here how the code looks like now:Private Sub WorkbookUpdatePowerQueries' Macro to update my Power Query script(s)Dim lTest As Long, cn As WorkbookConnectionOn Error Resume NextFor Each cn In ThisWorkbook.ConnectionslTest = InStr(1, cn.OLEDBConnection.Connection, 'Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1', vbTextCompare)If Err.Number 0 ThenErr.ClearExit ForEnd IfIf lTest 0 Then cn.RefreshNext cnEnd SubAt this point the macro executes but it pops up a window warning that closing the file will cancel the query. Ariel, try this version instead:Private Sub WorkbookUpdatePowerQueries' Macro to update my Power Query script(s)Dim lTest As Long, cn As WorkbookConnectionOn Error Resume NextFor Each cn In ThisWorkbook.ConnectionslTest = InStr(1, cn.OLEDBConnection.Connection, 'Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1', vbTextCompare)If Err.Number 0 ThenErr.ClearExit ForEnd IfIf lTest 0 Thencn.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = Falsecn.Refreshcn.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = TrueEnd IfNext cnEnd Sub. Hi Ken,In order to avoid the inexplicable glitches that can occur when refreshing queries with VBA (inexplicable to me anyway), my approach (in 2016) has been to create queries with VBA to generate the results then delete all queries at the end of the process.

In other words, my practice is to delete all queries from the workbook before closing and then recreate them with VBA either on user-demand or automatically when the workbook is opened again.I never figured out what caused the intermittent, seemingly random errors with the VBA-driven refresh.I just know that moving to the deletion/recreation technique solved that problem for me in every case.Our enterprise is a mix of 2013 and 2016. I'm trying to develop a Power Query solution that works in both environments, detecting the version and then running different code based on the version. The problem is that I can't figure out how to apply the delete/create technique in 2013. Again, I don't want to leave queries in the workbook to be refreshed by VBA as I've had so much trouble with that in the past.

Is there any way to apply the delete/recreate technique in 2013? Hi Michael,I'll be honest, I've never had any glitches when using VBA to refresh queries. I build solutions frequently to do exactly this, link it to a button for end users and then have a way to control which queries get refreshed, and in what order if that is an issue. I'm curious why you're having issues, as that isn't normal.With regards to 2013, the issue you have is that Power Query is an add-in, so there is no object model to delete or create queries. Refresh is different, as a macro can be recorded to refresh the data connection.

I've been meaning to post this for a while, but, you know.Based on the work posted by Ken and others, I built a function to update a query by its name. I write this code the end of your code but I must run the macro tow times then the pivot table will be updated. Would you please guide me which part is wrong.Sub Run' Run Macro'Dim lTest As Long, cn As WorkbookConnection, pt As pivotTableOn Error Resume NextFor Each cn In ThisWorkbook.ConnectionslTest = InStr(1, cn.OLEDBConnection.Connection, 'Provider=Microsoft.Mashup.OleDb.1', vbTextCompare)If Err.Number 0 ThenErr.ClearExit ForEnd IfIf lTest 0 Then cn.RefreshNext cnFor Each pt In ActiveSheet.PivotTablesSelect Case pt.NameCase 'PivotTable1'pt.RefreshTableCase ElseEnd SelectNext ptEnd Sub. Hi Ken,I’m having the same problem as Pegah in needing to run my VBA code twice to achieve the result I am expecting. Adding BackgroundQuery statements as follows:With cn.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = FalseDoEvents.RefreshDoEvents.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = TrueEnd Withis not successful in forcing the table to be updated in time for the next VBA steps which use the information from the table.

Power Query Excel 2007 Download For Windows 7

The result after the VBA code completes is that the PowerQuery has updated its table correctly, but the subsequent tables that are populated from the query data are missing information, because it was updated too late for the next step.I have tried DoEvents and Application.Wait Now + TimeValue('00:00:ss'), but these merely slow the process without achieving the desired result. I've also tried creating a new sub to run the code twice, but this falls over at the second running of.OLEDBConnection.BackgroundQuery = False with an Error 1004 'Microsoft Excel is refreshing some data. Please try again later'It's very hard to debug this problem, because the mere fact of pausing while stepping through means that I never encounter an error because the query catches up.I’d really appreciate your thoughts, please.