Medal Of Honor Underground Cheats

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Medal of Honor: Underground for GBA cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. Medal of Honor Underground Cheats Unlock Secret Mission. ENTREZVOUS Then re-enter the Password screen. Select Options from the Main Menu, then select Password. Access the Password screen and enter: PUISSANCE This code will work on levels.

BMedal of Honour Underground Version 1.5Mission 8 WalkthroughMy nick: DeEpBluEEmail me at: DeepBlue@trust-me.comVersion Changes01/01/01Well the date is interesting:) Happy new year to you guys out there.Added General Tatics. Added Contents section.31/12/00Made a few minor corrections to spelling mistakes, made minor adjustments toformat changes. Created Version Changes Section. Added Codes section.30/12/00Well, my first attempt on creating a walkthrough, so please forgive me if I leftthings out, made spelling errors or any stupid jokes:)I have finished the original MOH and now this. IMO MOH was much easier then MOHU.The toughness I guess, comes from the 'bonus' level from completing all thefirst 7 levels. I have read X-Dragon's FAQ and found it to be quite good.However, its a pity he has not finished the game and hence the remaining of hisFAQs.

Since I found this level difficult to finish, I decided to write a detailedFAQ on how to complete this level. Just be prepared to keep restarting the levelthough. Its hard - but not impossible. The levels are long, and the enemiesextreme.:) Enough already! On with the game.Contents: To get to a section, Hit and key in the section name.Version ChangesMission 8 Level 1- General Tatic- WalkthroughMission 8 Level 2- General Tatic- WalkthroughMission 8 Level 3- General Tatic- WalkthroughCodesIn-Game Strategies (for all missions)- Dogs- Dogs (MG equipped)- Dogs (Panzer equipped)- Riflemen- Machinegunners- Panzer-men- Motorcycle with attachment- half tracks- tanks- scenario 1- scenario 2CreditsNotesContributionLevel 1 Where Beagles dare.Mission Objectives: Get journel. Find Paznerknacker arms. Find Panzerkancker legs.General Tatic-This mission is insane.

IMHO, this is the hardest level in the whole game.Be prepared to repeat this at least 5 times. The dogs here require 8 pistolshots to kill them. Head shots dont seem to work for me. If you noticed,your pistol can only hold 7 rounds of ammo before you need to reload - but youneed 8 shots to kill so all I could recommand is when u see a dog runningtowards you, fire a pistol shot then reload immediately and feed the puppy somethe remaining 7 rounds of lead.This works if theres only a dog running towards you - if there are 2 or more -use a shotgun.

Fire a shot (at close range, further its useless), it should takeout a dog. If it doesnt, reverse when it pouces at you - you should not take anydamage.

Fire again - taking out another dog. You should be taking out a dog witheach shot! Shotgun shells are as I mentioned, very valuable in the level.The dogs dont deal much damage with each bite. But usually you'll be surroundedby about 2 or 3 dogs. RETREAT and fire a shotgun. You will also encounterpanzer-dogs and machinegunner dogs. These are priority targets!!Walkthrough-You start out outside the castle wars, immediately a dog runs out.

Equip yourpistol and fire at the dog running towards you. 3 shots aimed at the head willdo the trick. Go forward until you see the gate. There you will see two dogsdancing on the bridge. Switch to a grenade and straft left, throwing itonce you reach the opening. At the same time, the dogs should run towards you,frying the dogs at the same time.Walk past the bridge near the castle entrance.

You could go down the opening(to under the bridge) to get some ammo and a medicine canteen. Go near the openingnear the wall, strafting right slowly until you see the 3 dancing dogs. Toss agrenade and make toast of them.Now walk down the hall way - keeping to the left wall. You should see an openingright ahead.

Toss a grenade and kill the dog hiding there. You should changeto a shotgun just in case it runs out. Walk futher down and do the same thingfor the next opening.You will see a clearing next. Look up and you will see a panzerdog walking.

Takeyou pistol and squeeze off a few rounds at him. Sometimes he will fire at you,but blowing itself up instead. Now for the half-track.

If you look carefully,there is a dog manning a machine gun on the half track. Switch to a pistol andsnipe it from a safe distance. Once it's dead, wait until the vehicle's back isfacing you, run to the back and toss a couple of grenades until you destroy it.Forward past the fountain, you should see a couple of dogs dancing. Straft untilyou are in front of the dogs and toss a grenade. Grab the stuff there. Proceed tothe window where you will see 2 dogs running like mad - switch to a pistol or tossin another grenades frying the 2 dogs. Jump in and switch to a shotgun for therest of the mission.A Panzer dog and a normal dog will run in front of you.

Its imperative that youkill the panzer dog first. The panzer-dog will kneel and aim before firing.

Onceyou see that - you better shot him dead or else kiss your ass goodbye:P.Grab the journel in the room. Objective 1 completed.Proceed on and you will notice a small room by a side.

Once you enter the doorway,the dog in the room and another from the hall behind you will start to chase you.Retreat back to the first room, pumping them full with lead as you retreat.Proceed to grab the grenades and ammo in the room. Now go to the hall. Youwill see another room on the left. This part is slightly tricky. Equip a grenadeand hold X. Go creep forward until you hear barking sounds and throw to thedirection of the doorway, quickly switching to the shotgun. About 4 dogs will runfrom the room and the hall right in front of you - pray that the grenade exploderight on target, killing at least 2.

Kill the rest with the shot gun. There should stillbe one last dog in the room. Enter and grab the panzerknacker leg.

Exit andcontinue the hallway.Before you carry on, you will notice a junction, to the left is an empty room,with ammo, a machinegunner dog and another normal dog. To the right is anotherdog. This is what you should do - walk forward into the junction, reverse backwhen you hear barking sounds. The 3 dogs will carry out their attack and moveright into your targeting cursor. Take out the machinegunner dog first.Carry on to the room on your right. You will see 2 dancing dogs.

Throw a grenadeinto the room to kill the 2 dogs. With your back facing the door, reverse intothe room. Aim the right of the door way and a Panzer dog will soon go into target.Shoot him and the other 2 or 3 dogs that will run in. Grab the shotgun shells(YEAH!!!).Continue into the main hall, and you should see a room on the left. Likepreviously, Toss a grenade into the door way and hope for the best. Equip a shotgunand shoot the dog in the room.

Get the Panzerknacker arm (sorry can't remember ifits here or another room similar to this ahead). Turn and face the doorway andshoot the dog that comes running in.Proceed on and you will see 2 more dogs. You will then see another junction.Walk forward, attract attention, reverse, fry dogs, then go right to a room.

Grabthe shotgun ammo, and go to the left branch. Shoot the 2 dogs. Beware, as yougo on, there are 2 dogs on the left side of the room. One is a Panzer and theother is a MG (machinegunner). Shoot them both with a shotgun.

Get thePanzerknacker leg. 2nd Objective completed. Get the grenades, shoot the window,and toss a grenade out, sending the 2 dogs outside to Oblivation. With your leftfacing the wall, head straight and you will find a door.

There is a Panzer here,shoot him quickly.Go past the window. There is a Panzer and a MG plus another dog at the end. ThePanzer will run around. Take him out first then the MG or you will regret it.You are almost done. Now shoot the windows, and toss another grenade to killthe dogs in the room. Jump in, and you will see Panzers running in. Shoot themquickly.

Get the last Panzerknacker arm. Proceed cautiously into the stairway.Shooting panzers if you encounter any. Go up the stairs into the door.Level complete! Take a breather for a few seconds and REMEMBER TO SAVE!!!Level 2Mission Objectives: Find Panzerknacker Torso. Find Panzerknacker Head.General Tatic-Well, at least thats the end of those pesky dogs.

But truth is, it got worst.Still, this level is easier then the previous. I only restarted about 7 times(hehe).

Now, you will probobly find shotguns and pistols unless. The weapon ofthe game - BAR. Thats right, the accurate rapid fire machine gun of MOH. Theenemies you encounter here are MGs (these explode after dying like grenades!).The MGs (which are robots like the dogs) process incredible marksmanship. If yousee them, SHOOT LIKE CRAZY.

They take your life away very rapidly! Also theyexplode when they die.

So make sure you do not go near them after killing them.Another to note is the armoured knight. Remember those you fought earlier on?Quite harmless in my opinion.

Aim at their helms and squeeze off the BAR. If youencounter both at once (quite frequently) shoot the MGs (machinegunners) first.Walkthrough-Go up the stairs. Grab the grenades - you'll need the 2 medikits really soon:Pequip the grenade and toss one into the hall ahead. Use a shotgun and shoot theMGs that come running in. Take them out with your shotgun and grab their weapon.Change to BAR (YESSsss).

Oh yeah, take out that knight. By now you should havenoticed that I did not exgerrate on the deadly MGs. Grab your 2 Medikits if youare not dead already, and grab the remaining ammo on the ground.As you continue to the stairs, a MG and a knight will run down from a distance.Shoot the MG first. Continue up the stairs. There is a MG hidden on the right atthe end of the stairs. Straft and shoot him. Another will appear at the doorway.Straft Left out of the door way and you will see a MG and another knight in frontof you.

Take them out. Round the corner, there is another MG.A motor-vehicle will then appear. Try to get them with a grenade or from the roomwith BAR. Try not to get heavy damage but I guess its kinda hard.Proceed on and you will find another room. A MG will run out, followed by a knight.If you use a shotgun here, you can take out the MG with a shot, then engage theknight.

The knight will use the shield to block, but the explosion of the MGwill kill him anyway:). Enter the room. Grab the box of ammo, look out of thewindow and you will see a MG and a knight running about.

Take them out with ashotgun. Head into the next room and engage the MGs and a knight. If you do itright, you could straft right into their face and fire a shotgun. Killing bothMGs at once.Exit the room and carry on.

A motor will appear - switch to a grenade and throwit a them. A MG and a knight will follow behind them. Take them out withprejudice hehe. Enter a room to the left and get the Panzerknacker Torso.Objective 1 completed.Before you turn round the corner, switch to a grenade.

As soon as the 2 knightscome into view, release the X button and blow them away. Proceed forward and 2 MGsand a knight comes into view. Target the MG quickly and fire off your BAR. Targetthe other and kill him too.

Finish off the knight last.Ok. There are 2 knights in the left room. As usual, Straft right to the door,release X button and throw a grenade in. Get the box of grenades in the room.There is another room slightly up ahead to the right. There are 2 MGs in this one.Hold your Bar and send them for the metal works. Theres nothing here except forthe ammo the MGs were carring.Go forward and there is a room to your left.

Medal Of Honor Underground Cheats

Hold X (grenade) and straft Left.Send the 2 MGs and the knight to their makers. Make sure you THROW it AT them, noton the floor, or else they will kick the grenade away. If you prefer it safe, backout into the hallway and use your BAR. Now, enter the room, taking the left turn.You will encounter 2 more MGs. Finish them off and get the Panzerknacker Head.Objective 2 Complete.

Turn back quickly and kill the 2 MGs that come running in.Exit the room to the main corridor.Forward is another room. Kill off the MGs and as you proceed up the stairs, youwill see 2 more MGs running.

Shoot them before they shoot you. On the left, isa room. Toss a grenade in to kill the 2 knights and grab the box of grenades there.Carry on and you will notice the 2 MGs and a knight. Finish them and proceed down.Shoot the knight at the far end and continue. From here on, its gonna get reallymessy. Go a step a time, and the sudden appearance of MG or knights would notbother you that much. Enter the first room on the left.

This is rather tricky,once you enter, there will be a knight on your right, a MG and a knight on yourleft. Kill the MG first then the knight closest to you.Proceed on and you will finally reach a corridor again. Kill off all those peskyMGs and you will find 3 Knights at then end. Take them out with shotgun or apistol if you like, but you should be on a healthy side for ammo. Especially BAR.Ignore the first room on the corridor. Be ready for MGs you will face.

Keepretreating the corridor if the knights or MGs swarm you. And keep those bulletsgoing.

Go down the stairs and PHEW. Wasn't so hard was it? End of level.Level 3: Panzerknacker!Mission Objectives: Build Panzerknacker. Escape castle.General Tatic-Only one kind of enemy here.


These are just like the MGs earlier on.Except they are slightly bigger (which makes easier targets). DidI mention the tank at the end.?Relatively straight forward stage - I deem this the easiest of the 3 levels. Stillbe ready for the enemies.Walkthrough-No enemy encounter until you build the Panzerknacker, so have a relaxing strolldown the corridors to the room. Press SQUARE button as you approach the table.Take care not to wonder off too far, or else you will attract the attention ofthe Panzerknacker (MGs ok? Troublesome to spell that everytime).

YourPazerknacker will do a little dance and activate. Make sure you protect him - buthe wont last long anyway.

Still its nice to have some bullet fodder. He can lastquite some damage. As soon as he is finished, he will engage a MG. Support himBAR fire.Carry on supporting him. You will see a room with plenty of meat hanging. Pronedown and crawl into the room to get the items in it. Follow your Panzerknackerinto the next room later.

One good point is that, because of their size, you caneasily target them when they are hiding behind the doorway. Just support yourPanzer to enter the next room easily.Enter the corridor with bluish hew. There are 3 MGs in the corridor. It would besucidal if your Panzer walk in, or you in any case. So just go near the door andtoss a grenade.

Switch to BAR quickly. As soon as your Panzer walks in, supporthim with heavy fire. Its recommanded you keep him alive here. Cause the next partwill be more or less of insane proportions.Now you are in a room.

You look through the door way and can see a seemly emptyroom. There is a doorway to the front and another to the right of the room.This part is EXTREMELY dangerous. I died many times here in fact:P Enter theroom quickly to attract attention of enemy. Then reverse back to the originalroom. Get your BAR working.

Keep repeating until you have cleared the room,or at least you think so. Be wary of the doorway on the right. Likely an MG there.I sacrificed my Panzerknacker here - let it die a worthy cause:PTheres only a box of ammo in the room on the right, so I suggest skipping it.Instead press forward and take good care of the pesky MGs running about. Putan end to their misery I say:). There is quite a number here, so I suggest usingthe retreating and engage tatic.You will reach a hall with quite a number of meat slabes hanging about.

Justaround the corner are a few MGs (as always). Do them quickly and advance.You will see a crawl space and a way leading forward. IMO its better to skip tothe crawl space immediately, as there is quite a number of enemies otherwise.Crouch and crawl, then stand up immediately. Carry on down the corridor.There is a MG hiding behind the doorway.

Shoot him immediately. See the stepsleading up to a room?

There is another MG there. That part isoptional.

There is a Panzer equiped Panzerknacker there so I dont really recommandthat place. However there is a medikit there too.Proceed on and you will see an MG. Kill him and advance. Be wary at the corridor.On both sides of the doorway are 2 MGs. Kill them FAST!

Now hide behind thefountain. I hope you have plenty of shotgun, BAR ammo left, as well as a coupleof grenades. That tank gonna take some time and ammo to take out.Start by using your shotgun. Keep strafting left and right behind the fountain.Its very safe there - I substain zero hits from the tanks in fact. Keep firingyour shotgun. Its gonna hit the tank hard. Switch to BAR when shotgun ammo isgone.

And when you have taken out the turret, its safe to come out of your hidingplace. When you see the tank stopping - TAKE NOTE its adjusting its turret at you.Straft to the very back of the fountain and cease fire. Repeat until tank isdestroyed. If you have enough grenades, Life (and guts) left, go ahead and scrapeit with grenades.Remember this place?

It was where you started out. Run down the corridor andthrough the gate. There is no more enemies. You have escaped. Objective 2completed.

Run to the very end and level ends. Pat yourself on the back forcompleting the toughest mission on MOHU.

Pat yourself a second time if yourPanzerknacker is still alive! (well mine wasnt:P)CodesI got these codes from the Message Boards in Thanks to Crispy311who posted this on the boards.

Couldn't get to you to ask permission though.Sorry about that and hope you dont mind.From the Main menu, Enter the Options selection, and select the Passwords Section.Select the corresponding letters on the machine and select SEND when done.You should hear a click sound and will automatically exit the section. Check theboxes in the Codes Section to activate/deactivate the codes.PUISSANCE - InvincibilityBALLESVITE - 4x Firing rateRICOCHET - Bullets bounce from wallsLATIREUSE - One shot kills enemy or youAUTODINGUO - Game ends in 1 minute. Extend countdown by killing enemies. Eachenemy killed adds 10 seconds to countdown.These codes only work after you have completed the level and is replaying thatlevel. So keep trying to kill that guy you couldnt kill:)In-Game StrategiesI'm going to list the more commonly encountered enemies, strategies on defeatingthem with minimum loss of life and ammo.Dogs (normal)-You only encounter these in mission 8. These dancing dogs are a pain in the butt.Refer to my walkthrough on how to defeat them.Dogs (MG equipped)-You only encounter these in mission 8.

Refer to Machinegunners sub-section.Dogs (Panzer equipped)-You only encounter these in mission 8. Refer to Panzer-men sub-sectionRifleman-Basically these troops are quite harmless. If you encounter them, simply take outa pistol and do a headshot. Or if you prefer, you could also pump them full ofmachine gun fire.


If you hear the sound of an item being dropped - a 'tok'sound, RUN. Grenades aint exectly very healthy. Also equipped with grenades.Machinegunners-These troops are a pain. But one point to note is that, they are often veryinaccurate.

If you encounter them, Crouch immediately and pump them full of MGbullets. In Mission 8 however, their machinegun fire becomes very accurate due totheir BAR weaponary. Also equipped with grenades.Panzer-men-OK. These deal instant death, have high blast radius and long range. They have aslow reload but who cares - one kills. These when encountered, will kneel down,bring the tube over their shoulders and take aim, then fire. Kill them ASAP.Once you see them fire, its usually too late to do anything but you could tryside strafting, jumping and proning.Motorcycle with attachment (ps: can anyone email me the name of this vehicle?)-Try to take cover for this one.

Their MG fire can deal constant heavy damage toyou. A grenade will take care of this one, or you could try to snipe the driversfrom a safe distance. If you prefer to confront them directly, use a machinegunand keep firing at them. Note though, you die instantly if they knock you downor if you are caught in the explosion.

A panzer will easily take out this one.Halftracks-Half tracks have a vunurable back point. If you could run behind them, then youcan deal damage to them with relative ease. Take out the gunner on the vehiclefirst though. Throwing a grenade on the halftrack will do the trick.Try not to use weapons other then grenades, oil bottles and panzers. Normal gunfire deals almost neglictable damage to armoured vehicles.Tanks-Just thank the game producers that they are not plentyful in the game. Tanksconsist of one main turret and a machine gun attached.

The main turret firewill take out 50% of your life, but is very easy to avoid. Your main concernwould be their MG though. If you see the tank stopping and turret moving in yourdirection. Get the @!#$!#$ out of there.Their blind spot is their back. Get behind one of these and you would have noproblem. 4 - 5 panzer shells should blow them up good. If not, use grenades.What is worst is usually, These are accompied by ground troops.

You will usuallyencounter at least a MG and a Panzer troop with these. Kill the troops from adistance first so that you could concentrate on the tank later.Scenario 1- x o = you x = enemy troops x o - You are facing into the wall in the direction of the arrow. This is quite a common situation.

You go around the corner and there are 2 enemytroops in wait to pump you full of bullets. Face the wall as shown in the diagram.Equip grenades or oil bottles. Hold X, then straft left (as in the diagram).Once you see the enemies, release X. You should throw the grenade right intotheir faces and NOT on the floor. If you practice, it'll be relatively easy toperform this move. I cant emphiese enough on the importance of strafting.Alternatively, you could also just straft left and spray machine gun fire on them.A common mistake is people tend to target the head area when spraying machinegunfire. This will miss ALOT as MG is inaccurate.

Instead, aim the NECK area. Onlytarget the head when you are equipped with a pistol or a sniper rifle.Another tatic if there were more troops would be to just directly run forwardto attract the enemy attention. Then immediately reverse to original position,crouch and wait for the enemy to run around the corner. This is especiallyeffective when there are concentrate numbers of troops ahead the bend.Scenario 2- x o = you x = enemy troops 1 1 = enemy troop x o This is another common scenario. A room beside a corridor.

The room is usuallyoptional but may sometimes contain objectives. They ALWAYS have enemies though.x refers to the likely position of the enemy troops. Like in situation 1,you could straft left, hold and release grenade. BTW whenever I encounter aseemly empty room (I cant see all of the room), I would toss a grenade in.This is useful by that 1) You directly take out troops in the blast radius2) You attract enemy attention - they run and pick up grenade then get shot inthe leg by your machine gun (try that seriously hehehe) 3) The result explosionattracts enemy to investigate - then get blown up by another grenade thrown:)If you know that there is an enemy standing in the doorway (1) Try tossing agrenade in front of the door. Its almost certain that the enemy will try tokick it away.CreditsGameFAQs for posting this FAQ.Dreamworks EA for creating such a great game.NoteIf you have anything to contribute in addition to my FAQ, would like to point outmistakes, thank me for my work, or send me death threats (hey no death threats!)Please send your email to: DeepBlue@trust-me.comIf you have any querys regarding the other levels as well as this, please feelfree to email me. I will help if I can.

But you really should refer to the FAQby X- Dragon:)You can get further updates on the following websites (thanks again to this website for hosting so many good walkthrus)www.gameadvice.comwww.psxcodez.comContributionsCrispy311 for his codes on the message board.This FAQ is copyright to DeEpBluE, 30 December 2000. If you would like to putFAQ on your site, please EMAIL me.

. Bouncing bulletsEnter RICOCHET as a code.

It will only have effect on completed levels. Cartoon galleryEnter 'MOHDESSINS' as a code. DreamWorks Interactive personal screensEnter 'DWIECRANS' as a code. InvulernabilityEnter 'PUISSANCE' as a code. New LevelGo to password screen and type in 'ENTREZVOUS' then go back to password screen and type 'LEMONSTRE'. Then go to the mission log and play the mission Panzerknacker Unleashed.

Submitted by DodgyParker. Quadruple firing rateEnter BALLESVITE as a code.

It will only have effect on completed levels. Team galleryEnter 'MOHUEQUIPE' as a code.

Ultimate CheatEnter the Options menu and enter the Passwords option. Enter ENTREZVOUS as a password. Highlight and click 'send.'

Re-enter the Passwords option and enter PORTECLEFS as a password and send. Enter the Passwords option one more time and enter LEMONSTRE as a password and send. Highlight and select Secret Codes and enable Invincibilty and Unlimited Ammo. You will now have infinite health and ammo for the whole game and the secret mission 'Panzerknacker Unleashed.' Submitted by WilliamKimray. Wacky Taxi ModeEnter 'AUTODINGUO' as a code.KNOW SOMETHING WE DON'T?You can for this game and help our users gain an edge.