Jurnal Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

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  1. Pengertian Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

School-based management is a management concept that offers autonomy to schools to make decisions in an effort to involve all components of the school effectively and efficiently in order to improve the quality of education. This study aims to determine the issues raised in the research questions concerning: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, supporting factors and inhibiting factors to improve the quality of education in the management of the School -Based Management.

Jurnal Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

Karena itu, manajemen pendidikan berbasis pusat diubah menjadi manajemen berbasis sekolah (MBS). Al-Khwarizmi, Vol.I, Maret 2013 87 Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah MBS perlu diterapkan karena di lapangan ditemukan kenyataan-kenyataan sebagai berikut: 1) Manajemen berbasis pusat memiliki banyak kelemahan. Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Manajemen pendidikan adalah suatu penataan bidang garapan pendidikan yang selalu ditingkatkan untuk menciptakan siswa yang berkualitas. Dalam manajemen pendidikan dikenal dua mekanisme pengaturan, yaitu sistem sentralisasi dan desentralisasi.

This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, techniques of data collection through interviews, observation, and study documentation. Research subjects, principals, teachers, school committees and community leaders. Analysis of the data with data reduction, data display, and verification of data. The results of this study indicate that: Schools preparing the Vision, Mission, and Goals School.

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Pengertian Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah

Schools prepare annual work plans and work plans to develop a four-year curriculum and learning, student affairs, energy, infrastructure, finance, public participation and special services; While schools include evaluation, supervision, evaluation of learning, school self-evaluation, and accreditation school; What a contributing factor, number of teachers and adequate competence, commitment to the school community, the division of tasks according to the ability of teachers of teachers, inadequate school facilities and infrastructure. While the limiting factor is not optimal community participation, teacher competence needs to be improved, as well as facilities and infrastructure funds have not been sufficient, the results of the evaluation have not been followed correctly.

It is suggested to the principal to continue to improve the management of school-based management better in the future.

AbstractThe research method used is the qualitative approach, which is based on the purpose to obtain a realistic picture-holistic concept of school-based management implementation in SDIT Tower Indralaya disposition. Source of data in the form of writing in this study is the source document in the form of books, scientific papers, as well as sheets of records pertaining to the research.

Unwritten data source is the principal, teachers, and those who are considered related to the implementation of school-based management in SDIT Tower Indralaya disposition.Based on these results, several conclusions can be formulated, that implementsi School Based Management (SBM) in SDIT Tower Indralaya disposition includes several aspects. The first aspect of the curriculum with subjects and programs with a strong Islamic values. Both aspects of the interactive process, inspiring, fun, challenging, and motivations that conditioned their learning process students learn with berpartisifasi active and independent. These three aspects of the learners, which makes learners who Muttaqin intelligent, noble, and have the skills and interests for the benefit of mankind.


The fourth aspect of educators to work in a professional manner and have the competence and positioning itself as a role model in school. These five aspects of infrastructure are complete enough to support the educational process. The sixth aspect of management through a clear plan, and executed with each other to form a single entity to coordinate between all components of the school. Ketuju aspects of financing, income funds of learners, BOS state budget, as well as community infaq managed with the standards set by JSIT.

Eighth aspects of assessment through supervision and inspection conducted by the principal yng scheduled and evaluation of learning outcomes and programs undertaken by teachers. In general, the implementation of school-based management in SDIT Tower Indralaya disposition according to the author is good enough and able to balance the development of education today. Keywords: Curriculum, Process, Students, Educators and Educational Staff, Facilities and Infrastructure, Management, Financing, and Assessment.Article Details.