Batman The Killing Joke Torrent

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Batman The Killing Joke Torrent Average ratng: 3,3/5 5492 reviews
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  3. Batman The Killing Joke Pdf

Dec 14, 2016 - 47 4 Torrent rating Batman The Killing Joke 2016 1080p Movie Download Torrent Batman The Killing Joke 2016 720p FastDL Movie Download. Batman: The Killing Joke (2016) Batman- The Killing Joke: As Batman hunts for the escaped Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime attacks the Gordon family to prove a. The Story – Batman – The Killing Joke – The Deluxe Edition (2008) Batman – The Killing Joke – The Deluxe Edition (2008): According to the grinning engine of madness and mayhem known as The Joker, that’s all that separates the sane from the psychotic. Freed once again from the confines of Arkham Asylum, he’s out to prove his deranged point.

I do not understand how someone can justify giving this movie a theatrical release. It is more like a couple of episodes from a Saturday morning cartoon than it is a movie. It starts with a hardly related subplot that serves little purpose but to weaken Batgirl as a character and show us that Batman is Batman.

It is almost like those movie releases on VHS where they obviously just put some episodes from a show together to form a movie. Once the story with the joker begins, the movie gets a bit better, at least partly due to Hamill's performance.

There are some interesting moments, but even this part of the film feels like a low budget replacement. And the visual style does not fit the story at all.

Batman The Killing Joke Torrent

It's like they read the source material and decided to make a 90s animated show about it, only less pretty. This movie is awful.

As a stand alone movie, it's weak and ineffective. As an adaptation, it's a travesty. What should be a deep, poignant movie that reflects on the nature of good and evil, why we become what we become, whether free will exists and other fascinating themes, becomes a lame action movie full of fan service, bad writing, bad characterization and terrible pacing. This movie is doomed by a complete misunderstanding of what made the comic great, a bad writer and total lack of respect for its characters (especially Barbara Gordon). Everything great about the comic was done poorly or taken out. And all the additions are awful.

Batman The Killing Joke Batgirl

A fan of the comic will hate it and a newcomer will just wonder why the hell the comic is considered a masterpiece, if this is the story people raved about for 30 years. Animation is decent and voice acting is good, so I gave it a 4/10 out of respect for those things.

But this one of the worst things ever produced by DC. I was a fan of the graphic novel, so I will admit that already set a high bar to please me. I would never have considered watching it but for the voice talents of Hamill and Conroy. So I got comfortable and watched, hoping to be 'disturbed.' I was.but not in the manner which I had been expecting. Like a soda you enjoy left open in a warm room allowed to lose every bubble of carbonation as well as achieve a temperature of lukewarm tepid.

My mind wished I could somehow spit it out now. It is there now. Any fond memories of the graphic novel.gone. Replaced with this. Keeping this 'spoiler free' was extraordinarily easy as it is already a spoiled mire of good talent and incredible source material wasted. When 'The Killing Joke' is actually about the source material, it's a decent adaptation.

It's dialogue-faithful, the tone is good, and really, if they've gotten Conroy and Hamill as the two leads, you know they're taking this seriously. And that infamous scene is incredibly effective. But it's that first half-hour that doesn't work. It's tacked-on and certainly doesn't do Batgirl or Batman any favors (the latter of whom just seems a tad creepy). This is (for better or worse) the Joker's origin story, incendiary though it is, and I can understand why they'd want to flesh out Barbara's character; but it still doesn't work because Batman doesn't recall her horrific fate later on in the movie. She's no longer relevant beyond the shock value.

The intentions were there, but it could've been done better. Within this running time, there are 45 minutes of good movie. Skip the first 30 and you don't miss a thing. I really wanted The Killing Joke to be DC Animation's return to greatness. The parts that are actually The Killing Joke are great, but I just can't ignore the first 30 minutes. It felt like a random episode of a completely unrelated Batman TV show.

I get that they wanted to make Batgirl more sympathetic and an actual character in the movie, rather than just a plot point, but honestly, who cares? Who gives a crap about Batgirl? She doesn't matter, she's irrelevant to the story.

The Killing Joke is supposed to be about Batman's relationship with The Joker. Instead, it felt almost as If Barbara Gordon was the main character. If they didn't want to just do a direct adaptation of the novel because it'd be too short, I get it, but find another way to expand it. But still, like I said, as soon as the actual movie starts, it's great. Hamill and Conroy were obviously great. They stole the show, specially Hamill. I didn't like Commissioner Gordon's voice though, it sounded weird.

Overall, good movie, but it should have been great. So obviously when i first heard about this movie, i was really pumped, and kept up with updates as it came closer to the release. I've always loved the PG-13 animated Batman movies, and of course I hear about this one's R rating I'm wow this is going to more amazing than any ever before it.

So the time finally comes and of course I go to the one night theater showing. Strong start, love it, some good action, funny moments. But then I notice that all the bad guys say 'freaking' quite often.

Was this a prelude to the rest of the movie? The R rating was a total scam.

There's some brief bloody shots, like 2 actual curse words (mild too), an IMPLIED sex scene, an even what was to be considered the most controversial part of the original comic.was completely censored as well. It was PG-13 by my standards. 'The Dark Knight Returns' and 'Assault on Arkham' were both PG-13 and had WAYYY more blood, violence and language than this did. (Assault on Arkham also had more sexual scenes and still remained PG-13).

It was just really disappointing. Nokia rm 1187 flash file miracle. The plot was really loose too. When the movie ended I was like.' There was no climax.

The rising action just quickly crashed into the falling action and ended. This just goes to show that not every comic looks good on the big screen. Really the only thing I liked was the fact that Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill were in it. Would I recommend it? It's worth a watch, I guess. Just as long as you go into it thinking, 'This is a PG-13 movie.' If you want to watch something better as far as PG-13 Animated Batman goes, 'The Dark Knight Returns' (not to be confused with 'The Dark Knight Rises'), 'Assault on Arkham', and 'Under The Red Hood' are all three very amazing movies.

The complete first half hour was completely unnecessary, it may have intended to add emotional weight to when Barbara got shot, but the studio could have encapsulated that in a much better way. The main antagonist of the film failed to show up until half way through the movie which made the first half utterly boring. In addition, the needless sexualization of Batgirl and her 'special' relationship with Batman was also among the list of unnecessary items that were in this movie, this also contributed to ruining the characterization of Batman.

The Joker was on point as one would usually expect. However, in summation the movie fails to capture the magic that the comic presented us with. So to contrast the comicbook, wherein Batgirl was a bit part, a plot device to get Gordon and Batman all riled up, they've nearly doubled the length of the story to flesh Batgirl out, give her depth and meaning. So now Batgirl is a whiny, angsty and impulsive teen with very few redeeming features to her personality. Other than a little Kung-Fu, there is no reason for Batman to 'hire' her at all - she's stupid, emotional and easy to manipulate. Moving on though, nothing about this film works. None of the moments that make the graphic novel great LAND at all.

I'm not sure it's the actors or the script - it's the direction, purely. The timing is off. The tone is off. It's all wrong.

So disappointing. Don't watch this. Read the novel, and forget this ever happened. It may seem like this is a high rating given the backlash DC animated The Killing Joke has received, however this is an averaged out rating.?In honesty this isn't a very good movie, despite the fact that when the filmmakers and adapter Brian Azzarello (do I hasten to call him a 'screenwriter' after this one credit?) stick to the original Alan Moore source it's a dark and involving delight. It's what comes before it, how they make it into a 'full movie' that things fall apart.?This is a schizophrenic experience full of high highs, generic lows and some what the almighty Jesus bloody hell for good measure. And I get what they tried to do or felt they had to do as far as making it a complete experience as a 75 minute film.?Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, is more of a plot device in the comic (spoiler?

Joker shoots and paralyzed her before kidnapping Commissioner for his amusement park nightmare games), so to flesh out her backstory with Batman is good. On paper.?Actually, not on this paper, as it turns into a half hour story where Batgirl is chasing after a ho-Hum 'charming' criminal who I don't even recall in the comics (if he was in it he's certainly not memorable) and it's all here to make it a Batgirl story with Batman mostly as the ornery father figure. Although this movie is not perfect by any means, it adapts most of the short graphic novel into a decent animated movie. Performances are amazing as always with Mark Hamill blowing everyone away again.

People are however furious with this scene that takes place between TDK and BG, which I don't really see an issue with. In the comics and on some traditional media I do feel some sort of tension between these two and even though it might be a little out in left field it doesn't ruin it at all.

I personally really enjoyed the film as an avid comic book reader and fan of Batman. Everyone calm the f.

down, it's just a movie, and it's fine. I'll be honest: I was waiting something great and I didn't get it. Maybe because of the very high expectations that the movie just couldn't reach.

There was a couple of things that bothered me. I think the important part was too short (about 45 minutes), they gave too much emphasis to the Batgirl prologue, I mean, the Joker appeared 30 minutes after the movie initiated, for God sake! Yes, there was some things from that part that I thought were interesting, I'm sure some people will hate them though. I was very uncomfortable with the inconsistency of the art style, sometimes The Joker looked amazing, sometimes. Not very good; besides, the animation was very weak in several scenes, I mean like 10 fps and that's unacceptable Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy's work was the best of the movie, I can't complain about that. But they could do it a lot better.

Batman: The Killing Joke Download 480p

First, It is important to say that I'm not a geek, a huge HQ fan, or anything like that. So, if you want a review done by an expert, this is not the review for you. Otherwise, if you appreciate an honest review you can keep reading.

Batman The Killing Joke Pdf

Batman the killing joke is a great adaptation to the screens of a very successful HQ. The humanity that the plot line conveyed to the joker, mainly at the end of the movie, was surprising. This was the high point of the movie for me. His philosophy that states we should embrace the chaos through madness is well built and you can understand his answer to all the randomness around us. At the end of this movie, you will probably even feel bad for the guy. Perhaps, you might even been convinced that, as the joker says, 'we really are just one bad day away from being him'. Ps: English is not my first language, so don't mind the mistakes.

I have been waiting for this movie since i saw the trailer. Movie is well designed and its very well plotted. Obviously it has some disturbing scenes, but that's what make this movie intense. It more about proving a point. Half the movie is narrated by Bat girl. Joker wants to prove a point and as always he fails. Its about madness.

Which is not by choice. Epic rivalry between batman and joker, turns into a very mature understanding. But this is a point that they can not go back where they have started. The joker's past is a really sad. All and all its the one of the best DC movie.

I am a Batman fan. Maybe i am biased. But who cares.