Stalker Call Of Pripyat Arsenal Overhaul

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Stalker Call Of Pripyat Arsenal Overhaul Average ratng: 3,0/5 2020 reviews

Arsenal Overhaul is a full weapons conversion for S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat 1.6.02. It features over a 100 new weapons, 28 new ammunition types and 6 new suits. All vanilla weapon models have been replaced with high quality versions. All weapon sounds have been replaced with new original sounds and more variation in stalker NPC's.

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Ive really gotten into this game and I've had a chance to play it for bit and I've got to say, deciding to start on Master was a great idea. I had heard it was easy and they're pretty much right. So in the interests of getting people to really enjoy Call of Pripyat, I'd say play on Veteran atleast. It's a lot more suspenseful and it doesn't feel so hard that you want to start breaking stuff.

If you do want to avoid sections where you die 3/4 times, Veteran would be a good idea. I think equipment ramps up pretty fast and this kind of balances it out a bit. P.s dont go wandering through a swamp when its pitch black.


I don't know how you'd be able to finish the climax sequence in Master. That shit gets hard, bro.

Also the new enemy AI makes it more of a challenge anyway. @Tuffgong said:' Does the equipment quality increase more quickly on higher difficulties? In previous stalkers, the only difference whatsoever was the percentage of shots that actually hit you. In this one I think they tied it in to the overhauled enemy vision system as well.

But I would expect mods to come that implement what you suggest. Or rather make them degrade more quickly. Hahah oh man, I cant believe that had the crosshair on by default. Before I even went to the first safe spot. Turned that off. Balances out the game nicely.

And @Geno said: ' Are you sure? SoC killed you in 2 hits even on easy.

'Watch the quicklook, he ran into a building with like 6 or so guys attacking him at once and he could walk up to them and knife a few lol. I tried doing that on master, you cant even get past the door, I did manage to lure a few out and knife them at midnight though. Also if its harder, you find alternate methods that you wouldnt find otherwise. For example, the merc base again, there is pipes that you can sneak through to enter different parts of the building.

@HatKing: well. To be honest, CoP doesn't have quite the same atmosphere as SoC. I would, honestly, recommend playing both. But, you should play SoC with the Stalker Complete Mod installed (its almost essential).

But if you don't feel like doing that, then yeah, CoP is very fun. And yes, you should play on Veteran at least, with crosshair disabled.

The game kind of banks on its 'survival'-spiel, and its very satisfying and fun when you manage to survive. Even people who play fps's often have trouble with STALKER because the gun ballistics are very realistic, so the bullets don't go exactly where you're shooting. So starting STALKER with little pc fps experience is fine. In fact, it's great! Totally new, cool experience!

@ThatFrood: You're doing a really good job of selling me on the game. Lol I've been really into the idea of a true survival game for the past couple weeks, right after I heard about the hardcore mode in Fallout New Vegas. That and I'm reading The Road.

Fallout 3 just isn't cutting the true survival feel, you aren't forced to go find food or water. I'm looking forward to playing these now. I am kind of mad at myself now though, about a year ago I saw SoC on sale really cheap and talked myself out of buying it at the last second because I wasn't really sure what it was all about.

I'll start looking around for this game. Thanks for the info! @HatKing said: '@ThatFrood: You're doing a really good job of selling me on the game. Lol I've been really into the idea of a true survival game for the past couple weeks, right after I heard about the hardcore mode in Fallout New Vegas. That and I'm reading The Road.

Fallout 3 just isn't cutting the true survival feel, you aren't forced to go find food or water. I'm looking forward to playing these now. I am kind of mad at myself now though, about a year ago I saw SoC on sale really cheap and talked myself out of buying it at the last second because I wasn't really sure what it was all about. I'll start looking around for this game. Thanks for the info!'

If you are looking around for CoP you should get it on Steam, It'd 20 there, but 40 at retail. I'm not sure about SoC prices. It's a pretty great game. @Ubiquitous: Oh thanks for the heads up. Sadly my Steam account is useless to me. something weird to do with changing my password. Anyway I might just start a new account, to save $20 it'd be worth it.

Then again I do really like having boxed copies of games so maybe I'll look for it on sale. Either way thanks. @ThatFrood: 2033 sounds great. I'll look into that for sure. Just made the connection.

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Arsenal Overhaul

Did you mean Metro 2033? I've been hearing about that game and I'm very interested in it. It isn't out yet is it? Ahh I seems Stalker attracts the people who want to see a strong survival game. I would kill for a full on hardcore survival game. Thats why Far Cry 2 was such a dissapointment (i played it a lot and pretended lol).

And yeah as far as story goes, CoP is OK but, SoC is kind of like the centrepiece with CoP kind of playing of that story and trying to extend it. As far as story goes the first one wins quite easily and it DOES have a lot more mods already made. I dont think i want to go back to doing generic awful missions though.

@Johnny5 said: ' Ahh I seems Stalker attracts the people who want to see a strong survival game. I would kill for a full on hardcore survival game.

Thats why Far Cry 2 was such a dissapointment (i played it a lot and pretended lol). And yeah as far as story goes, CoP is OK but, SoC is kind of like the centrepiece with CoP kind of playing of that story and trying to extend it. As far as story goes the first one wins quite easily and it DOES have a lot more mods already made.

I dont think i want to go back to doing generic awful missions though. 'If only they could, like, combine SoC and CoP. Oh man, just imagine.

The game that the original STALKER always dreamed of being. With all of the game mechanics it originally intended to have. But with the same storyline, underground labs and terror. @Johnny5 said: 'Ahh I seems Stalker attracts the people who want to see a strong survival game. I would kill for a full on hardcore survival game. Thats why Far Cry 2 was such a dissapointment (i played it a lot and pretended lol). And yeah as far as story goes, CoP is OK but, SoC is kind of like the centrepiece with CoP kind of playing of that story and trying to extend it.

As far as story goes the first one wins quite easily and it DOES have a lot more mods already made. I dont think i want to go back to doing generic awful missions though. ' I know what you mean about Far Cry 2.

I kinda wanted the same thing there, but it ended up just not being much fun. So are the missions in SoC bad?

Is CoP more fun for missions?

Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl is a first person shooter/action horror game set in a near future former U.S.S.R. Radioactive area known as 'The Zone'. Released in 2007, Stalker is best known for gripping atmosphere, inspired action, and horrible bugs. Fortunately for PC gamers, there are plenty of polished and essential mods for Stalker that fix, change and add amazing new features to the core game experience. However, there are quite literally tons of mods to choose from, but many of them are not especially well thought out or tested.

So before you break your game too badly, check out this handy guide to the top 5 best Stalker mods out today. 5 – Zone Reclamation ProjectStalker: Shadow of Chernobyl has a reputation for being unstable and filled with bugs, which is mostly true of the original released version. The started as a response to the game's instability, and is now considered to be an essential Stalker mod. With roots as an unofficial patch, the ZRP does not change or add much to Stalker's original gameplay, instead fixing and improving the more technical aspects of the game. However, there is an optional modification program that allows users to adjust the parameters of the game itself.

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Arsenal Overhaul Install

Here are some of the optional tweaks available:. No annoying head bobbing while running. Improved trading UI. Improved inventory UI. Longer quest time limits. Realistic gun names. Improved AI awareness.

Repairs available at merchantsThankfully, the ZRP is easy to use and relatively bug-free, providing a satisfying Stalker experience without any real changes to the core game. In fact, many of the following mods on this list include the ZRP in their list of credits, illustrating perfectly how the ZRP is really one of the essential Stalker mods. Number 4 on the list of the top 5 Stalker mods goes to, a more recently released compilation mod.

Stalker Call Of Pripyat Cheats

L.U.R.K keeps the original game's atmosphere and adds numerous features to its gameplay. Most notable among L.U.R.K.' S features are its 'smart terrains' that improve NPC and monster spawning and activity, alongside an overhauled weapon ballistics system and a much larger gun selection, make L.U.R.K's gunplay fantastic.However, there are some issues with L.U.R.K. That may need to be ironed out. The revamped economy is good, but may be too intense for some players, as is the case with the revamped enemy AI. Getting shot when you cannot even see your enemies is never fun, but thankfully these moments are few and far between.

Despite these minor gripes, L.U.R.K. Is a very good mod compilation and is a worthy addition to any Stalker best mods list.

3 – Oblivion Lost. Probably the most popular Stalker mod out there, is a total game rebalance and adds an incredible amount of changes to the game. First and foremost, Oblivion Lost is much harder than vanilla Stalker, and that is evident in everything from the increased monster variety, difficulty and spawns, to the random 'blowouts' of radiation emitting from the sky.

Oblivion Lost isn't just about increased difficulty though, it also adds a number of fun new gameplay features, such as the ability to create 'anomaly traps' for your enemies, or deploy a minigun for your own entertainment.However, Oblivion Lost is not at all for players new to Stalker, or those who get frustrated easily. It is a very difficult mod intended for veterans of the Stalker universe, and even then it can be frustrating. Also, Oblivion Lost does not play nice with other mods, making it more of a love it or hate it affair. Still, for a delightfully new and challenging Stalker experience it is hard to go wrong with Oblivion Lost. 2 – The Stalker Mod CompilationFor Stalker fans who love the ZRP's game fixing technical improvements, but want just a little bit more, there are not too many options available.

Luckily for them, the hits that nice middle ground between a fixed original Stalker, and the intense overhauled Stalker of Oblivion Lost. In fact the Stalker Mod Compilation might be the best mod available for the regular casual PC gamer, as it is very customizable and incredibly easy to install.

A list of optional features include:. Improved sound effects. Improved HUD. A working and good repair system. A weather overhaul. Russian names for NPC's. Ability to carry loose and explosive objectsThe Stalker Mod Compilation is relatively bug free, and does not tax PC systems any more than the vanilla Stalker did.

In many user's minds, the Stalker Mod Compilation is one of the best Stalker mods out today. 1 – Stalker Complete 2009The vaunted number one spot on the list of the best Stalker mods undoubtedly belongs to.


While Stalker Complete does not add psychic mutants, miniguns, ballistic revamps or radioactive skies, what it does add has to be seen to be believed.Basically, Stalker was made by an Eastern European company in 2007, and it looks like it was made in Eastern Europe in 2007. Stalker Complete 2009 completely revamps the visual, audio, and technical structure of the game, making it look, feel and sound like it was made today by a company like Infinity Ward or Bethesda. The result is truly astonishing.